PE division in UTC Investment made a fresh start by changing its name by GC(Growth Cap) division
Contrary to what PE division has weighted on buyouts, GC division reestablished the direction of overall investments by focusing more on growth capital investments to cope with recent growth capital trend. They are currently aiming for $40million fundraising to invest in post series B venture firms.
UTC Investment successfully formed $80mil of funds two years in a row
UTC Investment continues to make $80mil of funds since last year. While the venture funds dominate previous year, venture funds and PEFs become popular.
KFoF(Korea Fund of Funds) chose to make $32mil of investments in IMM and UTC Investment
In October, KFoF chose the qualified General Partner for its October investment contest. KFoF chose 4 out of 5 General Partners: IMM Investment, UTC Investment, High Investment Partners, SGC Partners.
UTC Investment, aka growth partner tries to exit JI tech investment
UTC Investment is about to exit JI tech investment within 6 years of investment. UTC investment has been a key player to JI tech’s success. JI tech’s corporate value has been multiplied by huge number since investment began…
UTC Investment’s steady effort to fundraising made them achieve $500mil AUM
UTC Investment keeps growing in AUM. After they set up two funds in 2015, they have kept setting up their funds at least more than one. They continued to grow AUM by forming “Secondary Fund” and “New Deal Fund”.
UTC Investment is working on Serim B&G’s exit; expected MoE:3.3
UTC Investment is currently in progress of Serim B&G’s exit. After IPO lock up period ended, they are looking for trend of stock price to sell their shares. Since the stock price has increased after the recent IPO, UTC Investment is looking for ideal exit time.
UTC’s Bio Fund has done unprecedented dry powder spent: Already spent half of the entire fund’s amount within 6 months
UTC Investment has already spent half of the fund’s contracted amount and focused on investment process. They have invested 20 renown bio starts-ups.
UTC Investment prepared additional $8mil to proceed bio investment
UTC Investment successfully arranged to make $8mil to invest in bio companies. They increased the volume of bio venture fund last year. With this additional dry powder, they are trying to pick the best companies in bio industry.
UTC Investment set up their first fund this year
Similar to last year, UTC Investment has already formed $12mil of new fund this year. According to venture capital officials, UTC Investment is now setting up another $65mil of blind fund
IMM · UTC · Smilegate, "The largest" with 3 IPO portfolios
According to the The Bell survey, a total of 45 venture capitals succeeded in IPO more than one investment portfolio. In particular, IMM Investment, UTC Investment, and Smilegate Investment are believed to have IPO three portfolio companies on the KOSDAQ